Kindle Steals: Open Minds

open-minds-susan-kaye-quinnThings have been going well since my last post!  My birthday was lovely, I was out at my boyfriend’s workplace for his company picnic (woo steak and lobster for lunch!) and then we went to Melting Pot for dinner (woo! FONDUE FOR DINNER!).   It was a very nice day.

So one of my presents for my birthday was a Kindle Paperwhite.  My Dad sent me the money and I ordered it for myself.  It arrived…and all was well in the world.

Something I started a few months back was grabbing as many free books as I could off of Amazon.  Some were just free for a day, some were always free.  But I figured I could check out other indie author books…because books!  I’ve always been an avid reader…so free book are definitely a draw for me.

One of the first books I grabbed off of Amazon was Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn.  I love me some good dystopian fiction, so it seemed like a great book to start off with.

Just A Bit of Summary

So.  Open Minds is about Kira Moore, a sixteen year old girl.  She is a zero, a person who can’t read minds.  This makes her a bit of an outcast as zeroes aren’t to be trusted.  After an incident involving her best friend Raf (a normal reader), Kira finds out that she has a bit of a different power.  The ability to control other people’s minds.  To jack in.  A second boy, Simon, recognizes Kira’s power.  And from there…let’s just say things get a bit out of hand.  I don’t want to give spoilers!

What I Liked

I really loved the setting of this book.  I’m a huge fan of dystopian settings…and I especially liked that this had just enough changes that made Open Minds feel like it could happen.  And I really liked the concept as well.  I’ve never worked with mind readers before – I figured that it could get a bit…dicey.  But Quinn executed the concept well.  And added in something new!  Jackers were a refreshing breath of air – they made the concept something new and interesting.

I also like that Quinn covered what the government might possibly do with something vitally different and potentially dangerous.  It’s something I’ve worked with as well…and it’s something I enjoy seeing in literature.

I also enjoyed that the characters acted like characters their age should (for the most part).  There were hissy fits about wanting to grow up.  Isolating themselves when they could have sought out help…it was great to see characters acting their age!

What I Didn’t Like as Much

So…one of the things I have to admit is that it took me a very, very long time to read this book.  Maybe it just took me longer than usual to get into this book.  I don’t know.  There were points that I found the story dragging a little bit.

While I liked how the characters acted for the most part, there were a few things that were a bit unbelievable for me.  There were plenty of mistakes on the main character’s part…but there were a times that Kira’s actions seemed too…precise?  There’s a point where she’s traveling cross-country by herself with the intention of not being noticed.  Even with her unique skills…I had trouble believing that she accomplished this.

All in All…

This is a great book.  I gave it a 4/5 on Amazon.  I haven’t written a full review on there yet, but I intend to!  There’s plenty of action, an engaging first person narrative, and an interesting and unique concept.  I would say this book is good for about fourteen and up – there is some violence, some language…and some mentions of alcohol.  If you’re looking for a young adult dystopian sci-fi novel, look no further.  I highly recommend Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn.

Have you read this book?  What did you think? I’m interested to hear your opinions!

~LL Lemke


1 thought on “Kindle Steals: Open Minds

  1. Pingback: Germ Magazine | Review: Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn

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